Home Bleaching Procedures: Their role in the success of simple and complex treatments

Professional vital teeth whitening treatments are known to be carried out in an outpatient setting or directly by the patient, or at home, through the application of specific products with customized templates. Regarding Home Bleaching, research has introduced improvements and interesting innovations to ensure much safer and better performing treatments in terms of aesthetic results, and with evolved features for the simultaneous treatment of tooth sensitivity and remineralization of tooth hard tissues. Moreover, this innovation is meant to extend the therapeutic options by including possible combined treatments to the increasingly popular orthodontics operated with removable clear aligners. This webinar is intended as an overview of the Home Bleaching treatment, going over the salient clinical operative modalities and proposing a rational and up-to-date working method, with many practical insights and suggestions. New materials and techniques are introduced to broaden knowledge and provide an opportunity for updating on this specific whitening treatment.
Dott. Stefano Checchi · 18 October 2024